Monday, August 15, 2016

After Care providers with transportation near Mountain View

Sometimes its really tough to get into the YMCA as a after school facility for your kids. With the waiting list system they have its hard to know where you are in the queue. Hate that about them. I don't know why they can atleast let us parents know. Anyways business is business for them. But for us parents we need something to figure out in the meantime. We found two alternatives through our Child' school by checking with fellow parents. Below are the ones

We haven't yet registered with one of them but hopefully this will help other parents in the area.
I will try to update with which option we selected and reviews later.

In case you know about other after care providers who provide transportation, please add to the list. Help Others and spread the word.

update: we went with Safari Kids: mainly due to very close proximity and they offering pickup form school. We also liked they had themes and sessions for day where as parents i could get visibility into whats happening

After Care providers with transportation near Mountain View

Sometimes its really tough to get into the YMCA as a after school facility for your kids. With the waiting list system they have its hard to know where you are in the queue. Hate that about them. I don't know why they can atleast let us parents know. Anyways business is business for them. But for us parents we need something to figure out in the meantime. We found two alternatives through our Child' school by checking with fellow parents. Below are the ones

We haven't yet registered with one of them but hopefully this will help other parents in the area.
I will try to update with which option we selected and reviews later.

In case you know about other after care providers who provide transportation, please add to the list.
Help Others and spread the word.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Wealthfront: good service for Novice investors in US

Wealthfront is a nice investment service with no charges for the first 10000$.
Feel free to use my referral link to get additional 5000$: so total in 15k :-)

Wealthfront makes it easy for anyone to get access to world-class, long-term investment management without the high fees or steep account minimums. copied from here: