Kaina re Sagpan, Kaine re Maya - कैना रे सगपण कैनी रे माया
Original song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRxWuJ4vJ9c&t=176s
Lyrics here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qR6AUjqSnGMxhES-p5DfmIyv0MZPIadO/edit
Original song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRxWuJ4vJ9c&t=176s
Lyrics here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qR6AUjqSnGMxhES-p5DfmIyv0MZPIadO/edit
Trying to collect the fun, I had during Tech interviews
1) Can you give me a random and simple algorithm for Square root calculation which has to be highly optimized?
on giving newtons method, the response is its OK, its gonna take a long time. I agreed and said we need an intelligent stepup/step down mechanism. Then i suggested instead of random seed we will use half of the input number as a start. Then i gave the log(n) optimized version by doing repeated halves and finding upper/lower bound just like binary search. The interviewer says We am looking for RAW ability to solve problems. Then says do you have any questions. I said "Thank you"
2) A startup asked me to implement Google Search MVP in code and gave me 60 mins, than we had 15-20 mins of discussion.
-We loved the coding round , but to us it feels you already knew the problem, so you were able to solve it. We want to give you a new problem to ensure you have not seen it and then we want to see your process.
3)You did wonderful in coding, but sorry we cannot proceed ahead
4) Can you tell me a novel/unique algorithm you have created?
5) Our recruiter has health issues so we will schedule last round next week. [after 3 rounds], after 3 day: Sorry we have decided to hire for the role due to current recession situation. 10 days after they again post the same job
6) We want you to write 1 SQL to calculated monthly new and existing customers for each month from a table. After solving it in multiple SQLs and doing for 1 month. There is agreement. Coding round was done in 10 mins. Next day - sorry we cannot proceed, but you did wonderful with the Coding and SQL round.
7) An Engineer asks me a very tough question on implementing GoogleSheets. After done, i ask him - what will you do if you were the CEO. I don't care, the company does not have direction. I am just doing my bit, do not care what the company does
8) The same startup who asked me Google Search, now was asks me to implement Geo Search. Then after solving it, says you did wonderful but we missed the cohesion part, so we cannot proceed. The engineer who interviewed me is a 2-3 years experience but says its such an easy problem. When i asked him to explain he explains me my own solution. Which i originally proposed of using a bounding box to find nearest neighbors
9) An interviewer kept asking me scripted questions and asked me to give specific examples. When i asked him a "whats the nicest thing your peers/employers have done for you" - he just could not answer and just said nothing.
10) Recruiter : you have to spend 3 hours for our in house design question(take home assignment) We cannot spend our teams bandwidth when i asked is it possible to limit it to 1 hour or have a pair programming/HLD session instead. No we have our process like that.... I said Thank You.
We clearly miss the Human element in Tech Interviews, Its seems purely transactional. What do you folks think??
I really want to thank everyone - my friends, peers, my network who have been so kind in referring and connecting me. I feel so lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful network. There has been so many strangers who have gone the extra mile to help me get the referral but sadly with so much good will and humane efforts. All this just gets blocked by the GATE called as TECH SCREEN/Onsite.
After Twitter Layoffs, I had a chance to talk to 60+ recruiters, 40+ tech phone screens, 10+ onsite. There is a rush to see/make the candidate answer a list of scripted questions, but there is no focus to meaningfully connect and understand. Some folks are rigid, they will not even offer time for asking questions in the end. They do not even have an understanding on how much avg time the problem takes to solve.
Remember like your time, there is other party who's time is also part of the equation.
TIME is the most critical resource. Please look for companies who value TIME. We really need a transformational change from transactional in nature to meaningful connection in our Interview Process.
Life is Fun.
PS: Even I have been guilty of these during my initial years. But being on other side so many times has helped get the perspective. I appreciate all my mentors, colleagues, all my connections for taking the time and teaching me, What I am today is all because of the wonderful work and time i have been given generously. We all learn and are able to go further by simply "Standing on the shoulders of giants" is so TRUE