Wednesday, September 16, 2009

JYLF - initiative to Ignite minds of todays Youth

Jai Jinendra,

I recently attended JYLF (Jain Youth Leadership Forum) 12th/13th Sept.
It was a great experience and is bound to change my thinking/life in near future. 100 Jain youths were selected all across bangalore from total of 650 participants.

Speakers from multiple domains professionals/government servants/industrialists/entrepreneurs/IT greats/Our religious Shravak adhyapaks shared their insights/experience and how jainism and its principles have helped them reach those heights in their life. There were lots of brainstorming sessions wherein all sort of questions/doubts were raised and all queries were resolved, properly addresses by the respected speakers. I just wanted to pass this message to all of you and would encourage you to pass this on to your fellow jain friends all around...

I know all of us follow our 5 great principles Ahmisa, Truth, Aparigraha, Achaurya(Asteya, Non Stealing), Brahmacharya in some form or the other and may be doing their bit...

Lets from today onwards start to put this more in practice and if possible spread it to other people as we jains have the ability and our principles have that capacity to bring change in this world, make this world green and we all can coexist in harmony...

Below are some of the initiatives started by our jain people [Jain International Organization which has many sections ]
[ Main goal of JIO is to bring all jains irrespective of their sub sect so that jainism can be given its due importance and its plays a major role in all areas be it social, economical or political...

Lets spread Ahimsa in our own small way if we can...

PS: JYLF will be conducting one more session in December and we will need all you intellects to come forward and participate…


Blogger Jay Doshi said...

Glad to read your comments and the the changes JYLF have initiated. Keep the flame alive and am sure you will kindle more flames.

Look forward to your future participation in JYLF activities.

September 16, 2009 at 1:38 AM  
Blogger Chandan Maloo said...

Thanks, great job and loads of success for JYLF in future...

September 17, 2009 at 9:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am glad you liked your experience at JYLF. Thanks for this blog, hope more and more people get connected with JYLF and bring about a relevant change among Jain Youth.
Rahul Kapoor Jain

November 4, 2009 at 5:54 AM  

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