Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bang Card game

Great card game, Initially it takes 30-45 mins to learn all different kind of cards, but once you are on it, its no match than other traditional card/strategy games. Playing bang can take at a max 30-45 mins, Some games for us have even finished in 5 mins. Sherrif, Renegade, Outlaws and Vices are the main identities of this game. All players play with one of these identities. Sheriffs role is to kill all renegade/outlaws with help of its vice. Outlaws job is to kill Sheriff at any cost. If Sheriff dies and one outlaw is still alive then outlaws win. Renegade wins when he is the last player in the game who is alive. So he has to kill all vice/renegade and then finally sheriff to win. At the start of the game only Sheriffs identity is known. Other players guess each others identity based on their moves.

We have been playing this game now an year plus now and still not bored. It has all the ingredients of a good game and always bring in different perspective, team dynamics is the best part i like about this game. This game is best suited for 4+ people. We have been playing it in our office and everyone is eager to play it anytime, none of us never seem to feel bored of it.

This strategy based game in which things can change at any point of time, a dynamite can ruin your winning stand or a volcanic can suddenly change you from being a loser to being a winning team. Some times you end up killing your own team members and still can't show signs of distress, pain you have been through, when they reveal their identity and you realize its one of your brothers. Its full of fun, the fun quadruples when Sheriff ends up killing his own vice, for which he has to pay a big penalty by discarding all his cards, his prized possessions. Players like killing the outlaws for the benefit of getting 3 cards from the deck.

"Bang Bang Missed Missed" seems to be the mantra for all players with some strikes of Duel. Everyone is eager to sip his own beer without sharing it with anyone [Selfish ppl :P] Some try to be very generous by sharing their bears with everyone using Saloon. Some players go on to strike all by their deadly Indian and Gatling cards. Sometimes "Check my Barrel" is the call, Some times "You can't reach me but i can BANG you, he he". "Please don't put me in Prison", Its Heart i got my bail :D, "You seem to be talking too much" let me snatch a card from your hand" Awesome fun moments....

All in all a awesome team game and a great time pass. More details can be read on Wikipedia :!

How to buy
Game can be brought from Amazon by clicking here


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